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We all have blind spots in the way we unconsciously think, FEEL, act and behave that influence our wellbeing, and also our daily lives in relationships, parenting, health behaviours, study or work habits, and even leadership. All of our programs and services offer profound processes to heighten self-awareness (including coming back "into" our body after trauma or chronic stress), which is a key pillar to healing. Once you have awareness, you're empowered to heal and change!


Understanding the mechanisms driving our thoughts, senses, actions and behaviours from a neurological, psychological AND spiritual perspective is essential. This is particularly important in the context of how we experience and relate with and to our 'self', other people, things, places, and even substances. All of our programs provide comprehensive education relating to the nervous system, regulation / dysregulation, neural development, human behaviour, and identity, providing a holistic basis for meaningful change across all aspects of our lives.

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This is what sets us apart! Not only do our programs increase awareness and understanding, we close the loop by processing 'triggers' in real time in a top-down (neurocognitive) and bottom-up (somatic) manner. Our programs enable greater presence and connection to all that is, eliminate debilitating chronic fight/flight/freeze responses, enhance productivity and performance, improve resilience, strengthen relationships and so much more.


We Offer Specialist Personal and Professional Development That Transforms Lives

Re-MIND Institute is dedicated to working with people worldwide to overcome their biggest challenges - be it emotional, mental, physical, relational or spiritual - to reach their full potential. Our specialist 1:1 and group-based personal and professional development programs aim to empower our clients to co-create their best lives with conscious intent, and actually THRIVE, rather than just survive.

Our highly experienced team are passionate about empowering people to re-discover their strengths and passions and to develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in both their personal and professional lives.

Whether you're an individual looking for guidance and support in your personal healing and/or growth journey, a parent wanting to provide their child/ren a conscious and connected upbringing, or a business looking to enhance the non-tangible skills, resilience and productivity of your team, we have the expertise and resources to help you achieve your goals.

We offer a range of services including coaching, workshops, training programs, and keynote speeches all designed to inspire people to reach their full potential. Our neuroscience informed programs are tailored to the unique needs of each client, and are rooted in the latest research and best practices in personal and professional development from a mind, body and spirit perspective.

At Re-MIND Institute, we believe that every person has the potential to discover and be their best self. We are committed to empowering people to live a truly authentic, values aligned life that creates a ripple effect that changes lives in homes, workplaces and the world at large.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our services, or book an initial consultation to start your journey to living and LOVING your life with the fullness of joy, peace, presence and productivity.

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How To Work With Us


Corporate and Educational Clients Only

Online (synchronous)

1:1 and Group Programs

Online (asynchronous)

Self-paced Programs


What Our Clients Say

"A Life-Changing Experience!"

My anxiety was out of control, I could no longer suppress and hide how I was feeling as it was showing up in a physical symptom with constant tremor in one leg. After months of weekly doctor appointments and talking therapy, NOTHING was improving. From my 3rd session with the Re-MIND Practitioner, I immediately felt light and free. I can now show up online for my business in a confident and authentic manner, I can go out alone shopping, I accept invites to events with friends. My relationships have improved immensely. What has staggered me is the continual growth in me. I didn't realise things would continue to get better, relationships would keep improving. The energy has shifted in my family and my kids tell me how they feel and we are resolving issues I didn't even know were there. I wouldn't hesitate to refer anyone struggling to reach out to the Re-MIND Institute. It is a life-changing experience.

Megan - 1:1 Client


After a uniquely designed and delivered experiential session was delivered to PhD and Professorial Academics at an Australian Institution, participants described the session as:


"Brilliantly delivered and extremely insightful!"



One participant wrote:
"The presenters energy was contagious and completely flipped my mood. I think I've been conditioned to expect boring, information heavy and non-engaging presentations in academia. This was none of that, so thank you!"

Tertiary Education Institution, Australia

"Extremely Well Worth It!"

We were having issues with communication and company culture, and with a recent change of leadership, we wanted to invest in professional support. The workshops that were delivered were great at bringing awareness and understanding to what was driving each of our individual behaviours, as well as the behaviours of others in our workplace, and personal lives. Since partnering with Re-MIND Institute, we have seen a huge improvement in staff happiness, communication, productivity and overall culture within our workplace. This has led to successful expansion of the team and increase in revenue for the business. We have seen a new level of openness from our team members and gigantic growth in personal connection. This has all led to better teamwork and willingness to succeed as group, and the leadership development aspect was instrumental in this success. Extremely well worth it!

Adam - Director, AusTech Electrical & Automation

I want to know more!


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Want To Get Your Journey Started With Us?

Schedule a consultation with us to go over your requirements. Even if you don't pursue our specialist services, you will receive a collection of resources that will help you on your journey.

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